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时间:02-08 来源:最新资讯 访问次数:134


# Are you smokingAre you smoking:你是傻吗?你脑子是进水了吗?在某些口语和俚语用法中通常被用来表示对某人行为愚蠢、荒谬或出格的质疑。例句:Why did you try to fix the computer by hitting it with a hammer? Are you smoking?为什么你要用锤子敲电脑?你是不是傻?# “你抽烟吗”用英语怎么说"你抽烟吗?" 用英语表示为 "Do you smoke?"例句:Do you smoke? I'm trying to find non-smoking friends to join me for a workout at the gym.你抽烟吗?我正在尝试找一些不抽烟的朋友一起在健身房锻炼。# Go up in smoke"Go up in smoke" 是一个英语习语,通常用来描述计划、希望、期望或努力等变得毫无结果、彻底失败或消失。这个表达强调一些期望或计划在事实面前变得徒劳无功。例句:All our efforts to save the company went up in smoke when the market crashed.当市场崩溃时,我们挽救公司的所有努力都化为乌有。Their dreams of a peaceful resolution went up in smoke when the negotiations broke down.当谈判破裂时,实现和平解决的梦想化为泡影。这个表达源于火灾中物体被完全毁灭的场景,将这一概念引申为事物彻底失败或消失。# No smoke without fire"No smoke without fire" 是一种英语谚语,意思是传言或指责之所以存在,可能是因为有一些真实的事情或原因。这句谚语表达了一种常见的观点,即某些消息或谣言通常有一些真实的基础。例句:There have been rumors about financial problems in the company, and you know what they say, no smoke without fire.公司财务出现问题的传言一直存在,你知道,无风不起浪。People are talking about a possible merger, and as they say, no smoke without fire.人们正在谈论可能的合并,正如他们所说,无风不起浪。这个谚语强调了一般情况下传言并非毫无根据,很可能有一些事实或真相。好啦,今天的分享就到这啦如果喜欢本篇内容点赞、在看、分享、评论鼓励一下作者


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